The Vas Vitreum design philosophy is to create beautiful everyday objects based on Swedish and Scandinavian design and craft traditions.
By adding timeless influences from classic clear crystal, mixed with inspiration from nature with it's elegant colors and proportions Vas Vitreum creates a balance between the past and the future.
Inspired by the family heritage Vas Vitreum strives to produce crystal with skills of a true craftsman and always push boundaries and preserve the proud Swedish tradition of exclusive handmade crystal art, that can be passed on from generation to generation.

Mikael Kenlind
At the age of 8 Mikael Kenlind, the fifth generation of glass artists got his first small glass working bench, made by his grandfather. Mikael is more or less grown up in the factory, trained by both his family and the Venetian master Benito Marcolin who worked at Vas Vitreum for eight years. In that way he early gained an exceptional understanding for the material.
Today he is one of very few glass designers who also are able to manufacture the final product. He strives for perfection both as craftsman and designer. With his knowledge about the material and creative drive, ideas and notions are soon rendered into artistic form.

Pascal Charmolu
Stockholm, Sweden has been home to French-born Pascal Charmolu since 1984.
He graduated with a Master’s degree from the Industrial Design department of the Swedish Academy of Art and Crafts in 1990.
Over the years Pascal has collaborated with various design companies and architects to produce everything from consumer products to interior design ranges and even a celebrity jewellery collection.
His work can be found in international design shops including Conran and the Museum of Modern Art. Over the years, Pascal’s designs have been awarded prestigious design awards, like Design Plus, IF, Formland, UK Industrial design award and many more.

Co Derr
Co Derr (1921-2011) was born in Amsterdam, but lived in Sweden since the 1950s. Training sculpture at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, trained by among others Le Corbusier and Gerrit Rietveld.
Co Derrs acclaimed bird shapes have now for the first time been produced in pressed, fire-polished crystal, in partnership with the Vas vitreum. Birds are for me a form concept have Co. Derr commented.
Exhibitions: Kalmar Art Museum, Design Center Nybro, Ölands museum Himmelsberga, Nordform Liljevalchs, Shape of Centre etc.
Honorary member of the Swedish Association of Craftsmen and Industrial Designers KIF.
Represented e.g. at MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, New York.